Are Businesses AI-Ready? Insights from Swiss Business Leaders

Written by Michael Porath | Jun 4, 2024 12:04:23 PM

A recent survey by Deloitte revealed that 54% of Swiss business leaders believe their tech infrastructure is AI-ready. This level of confidence stands in stark contrast to their counterparts in Germany (37%), the UK (25%), and the global average (40%).

Having engaged in numerous discussions with business owners and leaders in Switzerland, it's clear that many are still navigating the best ways to integrate AI into their operations. Given the rapid advancements in AI over the past 18 months, this uncertainty is understandable.

The Reality of AI Readiness

The high confidence among Swiss leaders raises an important question: What does it truly mean to be AI-ready? Many businesses are leveraging out-of-the-box SaaS tools that incorporate AI features, often through large language models (LLMs). While these tools provide a level of AI integration, genuine readiness involves a deeper, more strategic approach.

For businesses embarking on significant transformations, AI integration requires building robust, tailored infrastructure. It's not merely about using AI-powered tools but embedding AI into the very fabric of the company's processes and strategies.

The Complexity of AI Integration

The confidence reflected in the survey might be misleading. AI integration is complex and multifaceted, often requiring significant investment in infrastructure, talent, and ongoing maintenance. Simply using AI tools like ChatGPT does not equate to comprehensive AI preparedness.


Swiss business leaders exhibit remarkable confidence in their AI readiness, but true preparedness goes beyond surface-level integration. It involves a strategic, well-thought-out approach to embed AI into core business functions. As the landscape of AI continues to evolve, businesses must critically assess and adapt their strategies to stay ahead.

For a deeper dive into the survey findings and practical steps to ensure your business is genuinely AI-ready, check out the full report from Deloitte here.